Friday, February 7, 2014

A Rainbow Russia

Just before they were to host the 2014 Winter Olympics, Russia banned "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations." Although it is worded in a seemingly non-offensive way, the statement is burning with anti-LGBT implications. Tension is thick between Russia and many other countries, because any openly gay athletes could be prosecuted. The national government has stated that it will impose federal punishment against those who show any sign of homosexuality or support for the LGBT community. President Obama even chose three openly gay U.S. athletes to lead our nation in the Olympics. (The Colbert Report) Our country shows its support for its people, no matter what, and it will protect them.
Our class this semester will talk about interaction between countries, such as this issue. 
I wish that we as a country had boycotted these Olympics, although I know we didn't and wouldn't. I stand against any discrimination, and hope that the people of this country will do the same.

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